Hi, My name is Madd~ness, and this is why my life sux sumtimes
Last night he said.." we'll get up in the morning and have coffee". Silly me..I thought he meant us...as in me and him. What really happened is this. He got up and slipped into the open arms of his other girl friend( computer chair) and had coffee with "Aunt Judy's girls" meanwhile, I cooked his breakfast and cleaned the kitchen. Am I a dumbass or what? Yesterday we had great sex, so that means that he is sated for the time being and thinks that I wont possibly need or want his attention for a few days. We very seldom have days off together so this morning could have, should have been nice for both of us. I wish like hell that this mans addiction to internet porn would take a fucking back seat to Me once in a while. He is the kind of sexaholic that prefers his hand but makes allowances and "settles" for real sex on occasion to keep me happy but since he has always prefered autoerotica, has no idea that a relationship requires more physical contact than just sex. That most women need other physical contact such as kisses, hugs, caresses. Hell! his keyboard gets more stroking than I do and I do his gawdam laundry!Ok, well that felt good. now I can go get ignored a bit more since I let off some steam and made room for more.
on Aug 10, 2004
I think you need to sit down with your husband and talk it out. Plain simple as that!
on Aug 10, 2004
Husband..hmm.., if he would marry me. We talk..well, I talk, he listens and gets angry whenever I have viewpoints that differ from his. Thats basically why I vent here, where its safe.
on Aug 22, 2004
I thought you were going to kick this chump to the curb Madd!?!??!?
on Aug 28, 2004
SSG Geezer Posted: Sunday, August 22, 2004
I thought you were going to kick this chump to the curb Madd!?!??!?

I did Geezer..this assmunch is history
on Aug 28, 2004
Good for you, You don't need to be a domestic servant for anyone.
believe in yourself and figure out what kind of person you want to be...
then find someone you want to be with. keep us posted.
on May 03, 2005